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Endorsed by the White House, Rock Stars and Sports Franchises

Rock and Wrap It Up! met with the White House Council on Environmental Quality Deputy Associate Director Franz Hochstrasser at Jackson Place, next to the White House. The White House has issued a press release naming Rock and Wrap It Up! as a key partner in agricultural environmental sustainability. Convene Magazine has highlighted this partnership.

President Obama’s directive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is embodied in a mobile app which converts pounds of food into total meals and greenhouse gas emission reduction statistics.


The Whole Earth Calculator, was launched in February 2014 with the NFL to calculate food recovery efforts and environmental impact for Superbowl 48, held in Met Life Stadium. Further discussion revolved around the new curricula written to support the app for high and middle schools. Lawrence (New York) High School Dr. Stephen Sullivan helped write the curricula. The Whole Earth Calculator Lesson Plans have been introduced nationally. It is the next generation teaching tool to sensitize the needs to increase food donations to the poor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Aerosmith, The Allman Brothers Band, The New York Yankees and The New York Mets have endorsed the Whole Earth Calculator and are featured in the scholastic lesson plans.

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