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School Wrap! Snack Wrap! in North Carolina


RWU North Carolina is committed to feeding people not landfills utilizing the award winning recovery initiatives. 




Snack Wrap! and School Wrap!

The Guilford County Schools (GCS) Snack Wrap! program has been established in 33 schools with an average daily recovery and sharing of 50lbs of wholesome individually wrapped GCS purchased snacks, drinks and produce per school. Items are collected and stored in our school selected refrigerated set-ups, shared throughout the day to students, and redirected to a vetted community nonprofit as indicated. 


Food Wrap!

The Food Wrap! constitutes recoveries made at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex, Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro (CFGG), Fresh Market, Backpack Beginnings and Wyndham PGA tournament at Sedgefield Country Club (SCC). The special events at the Coliseum, CFGG and Fresh Market are proud to support their community. BackPack Beginnings (BPB) donates nonperishable items that are donated but not a direct match to their mission. Sedgefield Country Clubs annual hosting of the Wyndham PGA allows for valuable food resources to be distributed throughout the community. These groups emphasize sustainability.


Hotel Wrap!

Our newest program in partnership with the O.Henry luxury hotel began in May of 2019 to coincide with their sustainability mission. Hotel Wrap! includes the recovery of toiletry/vanity items, small appliances and furniture that their guidelines indicate are no longer a match for the hotel.


Financial Partners

Many thanks to our financial partners: The Weaver Foundation, Claudia Babb Reich Foundation, Crescent Rotary, and Good Friends of High Point. Our partnership with Weaver construction in the In-Kind gifts of gently used refrigerators is exceptionally valuable! 



Impact is more than saving food, it is redirecting wholesome food from the landfill to be diversely distributed to those in need in the community. Impactful data comes in the form of pounds saved, awareness increased, recipient budgets lessened and CO2 emissions mitigated, just to name a few. 


Wholesome food recovery is necessary to combat food insecurity in any community. School feeding programs, special events and hospitality inevitably result in leftover items that are “low hanging fruit” waiting to be utilized and redirected from our landfills. RWU North Carolina will continue expanding the current programs, advocacy and awareness feeding people and not landfills. 


For further information regarding our USDA and EPA approved food recovery program: 

Laura Oxner 

NC Regional Director RWU


Learn more about us on Facebook and Instagram.  


Check out some of our success stories:  


Snack Wrap

250,000 lbs of food recovered (based on 50 lbs food recovered per school per day)

135 tons of food recovered

135,750 lbs of CO2e emissions mitigated

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